
Between jesus and john wayne
Between jesus and john wayne

For Du Mez, Trump was simply the culmination of a decades long evangelical emphasis on hyped up masculinity rooted in patriarchal views of marriage, family and society combined with a militant mindset. In her engaging and provocative new book, Jesus and John Wayne, Kristin Kobes Du Mez provides what she believes is the answer to that question. Given that Trump was the opposite of Carter in personal morality, biblical knowledge, and public demeanor, it begged the question of how those who said they worshipped Jesus of Nazareth could not only vote for such an individual but also lend him their verbal, financial and political backing.

between jesus and john wayne

Forty years hence evangelicals became front page news and dominated interactions on social media for their support of Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s candidate for the presidency. But Carter’s Christian commitment, defined as ‘evangelical’, aroused curiosity and brought the movement to the attention of America’s cultural gatekeepers. Prior to this, few people in the upper echelons of government, education or media knew what an evangelical was, let alone what they believed or stood for. The impetus behind this media splash was the nomination of Jimmy Carter – a Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher, peanut farmer, and governor of Georgia – as the Democratic Party’s candidate for President.

between jesus and john wayne

In the fall of 1976 Newsweek magazine ran a cover story titled ‘The Year of the Evangelical’. New York, NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2020. Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation.

Between jesus and john wayne