
When can you stop pix4dmapper
When can you stop pix4dmapper

when can you stop pix4dmapper when can you stop pix4dmapper

Using Pix4Dmapper with Images without geolocation Warning: If less than 3 images are geolocated, lower precision results are expected. IMU values are only used as information in the quality report to indicate the accuracy of the input values and the optimized obtained values. As far as the IMU parameters (aircraft’s speed, orientation, and gravitational forces) are concerned, Pix4Dmapperdoesn’t require them, as orientation parameters are computed during the processing. However, it is advisable to know the position of the camera for at least 50% of the images you have, if you want to achieve the best quality and faster results. Pix4Dmapper Photogrammetic Software can process both images with and without geolocation.

When can you stop pix4dmapper